Deposit and withdraw

Current deposit limit:

0.5 ETH  |  500 BZN

Current withdrawal limit:

0.5 ETH  |  5,000 BZN

Important information:

The deposit/withdraw system is currently in the alpha phase. Please use the system at your own risk. During the alpha phase:

– Please do not deposit more than you actually need to use in the game.

– Do not send your coins to a wrong username, or they will be lost forever.

– Always check that your linked wallet is correct, and you have access to the private key.

– You can only withdraw your coins by using the game client and only to your linked wallet.

– Deposit/withdrawal limits and withdrawal fees are subject to change.

– In case of an error, your coins could be locked on your account until we fix the issue.

– File a support ticket or let us know in Discord if you have any issues.

How to use:

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